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PRESS RELEASEAug. 30, 2023

Globe Soccer, the organisation behind Dubai's prestigious Globe Soccer Awards, has signed a landmark five-year agreement with Spain’s LALIGA.

Writen by Gulf Time Media LLC

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Globe Soccer, the organisation behind Dubai's prestigious Globe Soccer Awards, has signed a landmark five-year agreement with Spain’s LALIGA. The partnership represents Globe Soccer's first collaboration in the European market and will see a LALIGA AWARDS ceremony held alongside the inaugural Globe Soccer Europe Awards 2024.

A glittering gala evening featuring the two in-person awards ceremonies will take place at the end of the 2023/24 season in a European city to be announced in the near future.

The Globe Soccer Europe Awards 2024 are part of Globe Soccer’s new Intercontinental Series and will recognise Europe’s top performers – from players, coaches, and clubs to agents, directors, and other stakeholders. With voting conducted by fans, the winners of Best Men’s Player, Best Women’s Player, Best Club, Best Coach, and Best President in the Globe Soccer Europe Awards 2024, will automatically be nominated for the end-of-year Dubai Globe Soccer Awards 2024, in partnership with Dubai Sports Council, in an initiative called "Road to Dubai”.