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UAE/DUBAIApril 25, 2024

UAE Skywatchers Alert: Catch the Pink Supermoon Tonight!

Writen by Gulf Time Media LLC

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Heads up, sky watchers — and pink lovers, too: A 'pink supermoon' will grace the UAE skies tonight, offering a stunning celestial spectacle that's not to be missed.

Witnessing the Pink Supermoon

While the peak moment of the remarkably large moon was around 3.48 am today, there's still a chance for those who missed it to catch this beautiful phenomenon. Full moons are typically visible for a few days around their peak, making tonight an excellent opportunity to witness the Pink Moon's splendor.

What Makes It Special

This year, the Pink Moon coincides with a supermoon, creating a mesmerizing sight. A supermoon occurs when the moon is closest to Earth in its elliptical orbit, appearing slightly larger and brighter than usual. However, the supermoon effect doesn't alter the Pink Moon's reddish hue, creating a captivating contrast in the night sky.

When and Where to Watch

The best time to observe the Pink Supermoon is when it rises in the evening. For photography enthusiasts, capturing the moonrise offers a fantastic opportunity for stunning shots. Finding a high point or an unobstructed area is recommended for the best viewing experience, especially in areas with minimal light pollution.

From Dubai, the moon will be higher in the sky later in the evening, making it ideal for observation towards the east. The moon is expected to rise at 7.07 pm, reach its transit point at 12.51 am, and set at 5.56 am the next day.

The Story Behind the Pink Moon

The name 'Pink Moon' stems from a pink flower called the 'ground phlox,' which blooms in North America around this time. Other names for the celestial event include the Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, and Fish Moon, adding to the allure of this natural spectacle.

Understanding the Pink Hue

The reddish color of the Pink Moon is attributed to Rayleigh scattering, a phenomenon that separates sunlight into shorter and longer wavelengths. As moonlight passes through our atmosphere, the shorter wavelengths scatter away, leaving the redder light to reach our eyes, creating the pinkish or reddish tinge we see.

The moon's position in its orbit and its proximity to Earth can intensify the reddish tint, especially when it's low on the horizon, adding a magical touch to the Pink Supermoon experience.

Don't miss out on this celestial marvel tonight! Whether you're a seasoned sky watcher or simply in awe of nature's beauty, the Pink Supermoon promises an enchanting sight for all to enjoy.